How to Recite Hanuman Chalisa to reap maximum Benefit from it

Hanuman Chalisa is a hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the Hindu deity known for his strength, courage, and devotion. This hymn is recited by millions of Hanuman devotees around the world, and is considered to be a powerful prayer that can bring blessings, protection, and spiritual growth. In this article, we will explore the history, significance, and benefits of Hanuman Chalisa, and provide guidance on how to recite it correctly

Tulsidas Writing Hanuman Chalisa
Tulsidas Writing Hanuman Chalisa

    History of Hanuman Chalisa

    The origin of Hanuman Chalisa can be traced back to the 16th century, when the poet Tulsidas composed it as part of his epic work, Ramcharitmanas. Tulsidas was a devotee of Lord Rama and Lord Hanuman, and he wrote Hanuman Chalisa to praise the virtues and qualities of Hanuman. The hymn consists of 40 verses, each of which describes a particular aspect of Hanuman's character and deeds.

    Significance of Hanuman Chalisa

    For Hanuman devotees, Hanuman Chalisa is more than just a hymn - it is a source of spiritual inspiration and strength. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa is believed to bring blessings, protection, and spiritual growth. The hymn is also said to help overcome fear, anxiety, and negative emotions, and to promote peace, harmony, and well-being.

    Structure of Hanuman Chalisa

    Hanuman Chalisa consists of 40 verses, each of which is composed in the form of a chaupai (quatrain) and doha (couplet). The first eight verses describe Hanuman's physical appearance and his role as a messenger of Lord Rama. The next 24 verses describe Hanuman's virtues, such as his strength, courage, wisdom, and devotion. The final eight verses describe the benefits of reciting Hanuman Chalisa and praise the virtues of Lord Hanuman.

    The Hanuman Chalisa is structured in 40 verses, or "chaupais," each composed of four lines. The entire hymn is written in the Awadhi language, which was spoken in the region of Uttar Pradesh during the time of Tulsidas. The Hanuman Chalisa begins with an invocation to Lord Rama and his devotee Hanuman, followed by a description of Hanuman's physical appearance, strength, and virtues.

    The following verses highlight Hanuman's various heroic feats, such as his role in finding Sita, lifting the Sanjeevani mountain, and burning Lanka. The Hanuman Chalisa also includes verses dedicated to Hanuman's divine qualities, such as his devotion to Lord Rama, his ability to remove fear, and his role as a protector and savior.

    The final verses of the Hanuman Chalisa describe the benefits of reciting the hymn, including freedom from pain, fear, and suffering, as well as spiritual growth and enlightenment. The last verse is a request to Hanuman to remain with the devotee and bestow his blessings upon them.

    The structure of the Hanuman Chalisa is designed to convey the message of Hanuman's greatness and inspire devotion and faith in the hearts of his devotees. The repetition of his qualities and heroic deeds in each verse serves to reinforce the idea that Hanuman is a powerful and benevolent force in the universe, capable of protecting and guiding his followers.

    In terms of the meaning of the verses, the Hanuman Chalisa is a profound expression of devotion and surrender to the divine. It is believed that each verse carries a specific message or lesson, and that reciting the hymn with focus and intention can bring about a deeper understanding of these teachings. Some of the central themes of the Hanuman Chalisa include the importance of devotion, the power of faith, and the need for surrender to the divine will.

    Overall, the structure and meaning of the Hanuman Chalisa make it a powerful and transformative hymn for Hanuman devotees. Its repetition and recitation serve to reinforce the message of Hanuman's greatness and inspire a deeper connection with the divine.

    We have a blogpost completely dedicated to the verse verse by meaning of Hanuman Chalisa, please click here to read the meaning as without knowing the meaning reading Hanuman Chalisa is of no use

    How to Recite Hanuman Chalisa

    Hanuman idol from Karya Siddhi Temple
    Hanuman idol from Karya Siddhi Temple

    Reciting Hanuman Chalisa correctly is important to receive the maximum benefits from it. Here are some tips on how to recite Hanuman Chalisa:
    1. Find a quiet and clean space to recite Hanuman Chalisa.

    2. If at home then it is recommended otherwise not necessary, Light a diya or incense sticks before you begin reciting.

    3. If possible, Take a bath or shower before reciting Hanuman Chalisa.

    4. If possible, Wear clean and comfortable clothes.

    5. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and your palms joined.

    6. Begin by chanting the Hanuman Chalisa Doha:

    "Shree Guru Charan Saroj Raj,

    Nij Man Mukar Sudhari,

    Barnau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu,

    Jo Dayaku Phal Chari."

    1. Recite each verse slowly and with devotion, paying attention to the meaning of each verse. It is best if you can sing in rhythm. (Click here to know meaning of all the verses)

    2. After reciting all 40 verses, recite the Chalisa Doha, which is the closing couplet of the hym 

    “Jo sat baar path kar koi

    Chhutahi bandi maha sukha hoi

    Jo yah padhai Hanuman Chalisa

    Hoye siddhi saakhi Gaureesa

    Tulsidas sada hari chera

    Keejai Nath Hriday mah dera”

    1. After completing the recitation, offer prasad to Lord Hanuman. Prasad can be physical or mental whichever is possible for you at that moment. 

    2. If the devotee who is reciting has some wishes which he/she wants to get fulfilled then he/she must fixed the time and place to start the recitation and recite daily on same time and place for atleast 41 days. In this way maximum result can be achieved

    Benefits of Reciting Hanuman Chalisa

    The Hanuman Chalisa is a powerful prayer that is widely recited by devotees of Lord Hanuman, who is considered as a symbol of strength, devotion, and loyalty. Here are some of the benefits of reciting Hanuman Chalisa:

    1. Protection: Reciting Hanuman Chalisa can protect you from evil spirits and negative energies. Lord Hanuman is believed to be the protector of his devotees, and reciting his hymn can provide you with a sense of security. It creates a protective shield around the devotee and helps him overcome fear, anxiety, and stress.

    2. Increases willpower: The prayer is believed to increase the willpower of the devotee and helps him overcome obstacles and challenges in life. It infuses courage and confidence and enables him to face any situation with determination and positivity.

    3. Improves concentration: Regular recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa helps in improving concentration and memory power. It helps in keeping the mind focused and calms the restless thoughts, thus leading to better mental health.

    4. Enhances spirituality: The Hanuman Chalisa is a spiritual prayer that helps in deepening the devotion and love towards Lord Hanuman. It fosters a sense of inner peace, contentment, and joy and strengthens the spiritual connection with the divine.

    5. Brings good luck: Hanuman Chalisa is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the devotee. It attracts positive energies and blessings from the divine and helps in fulfilling the desires and aspirations of the devotee.

    6. Heals physical ailments: Reciting Hanuman Chalisa is also believed to have healing properties and can help in curing physical ailments and illnesses. It is said to have a positive impact on the overall health and well-being of the devotee.


    In conclusion, Hanuman Chalisa is a powerful hymn that holds immense significance for Hanuman devotees. Reciting it regularly can have numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. The history, significance, and structure of Hanuman Chalisa make it a unique and revered hymn in the Hindu tradition. By following the correct way of reciting Hanuman Chalisa, you can receive maximum benefits from it. Therefore, it is recommended that Hanuman devotees make it a regular practice to recite Hanuman Chalisa with devotion and reverence.


    • What is Hanuman Chalisa and who wrote it?
    Hanuman Chalisa is a Hindu devotional hymn in praise of Hanuman, the monkey god and a devotee of Lord Rama. It was written by Tulsidas, a 16th century poet-saint, in the Awadhi language. It consists of 40 verses (chaupais) that describe the qualities and deeds of Lord Hanuman.
    • When is the best time to recite Hanuman Chalisa?
    The best time to recite Hanuman Chalisa is early morning or evening, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays, which are considered auspicious days for Hanuman. However, one can also recite it at any time of the day or night, as long as one does it with faith and sincerity
    • How many times should one recite Hanuman Chalisa?
    There is no fixed rule on how many times one should recite Hanuman Chalisa, as it depends on one's personal preference and convenience. However, some common practices are: - Reciting it once daily for general well-being and protection. - Reciting it three times daily for fulfilling one's wishes and desires. - Reciting it seven times daily for overcoming obstacles and difficulties. - Reciting it 11 times daily for gaining courage and strength. - Reciting it 108 times daily for attaining salvation and divine grace. If you have faith then it works like a bullet

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